Our colleagues at Panagora hit the road as soon as possible to ensure food deliveries across the country.

Over 50 companies attended the Career Fair 2024, organized by Charles Telfair Education on November 28. The goal: to offer promising career opportunities to students and graduates.

The Global Rainbow Foundation and the Eclosia Group organized a series of activities for around thirty young individuals with disabilities, including collaborative training, site visits, and company tours, all aimed at helping them secure employment.

After the Pain'Croyable Talent competition at Les Moulins de la Concorde Ltd, the 8 participants learnt the 'Respectus Panis' method with Mickael Jahan.

This week, Les Moulins de la Concorde Ltd welcomed the bakers participating in the Pain’Croyable Talent Competition.

After their presentation at the Avipro Extended Meeting, Frédéric Bardothier and Yannick Levantard share their ambitions and the challenges they face.

Developing the baking professions in Rodrigues! This is the goal set by Zaakiyah Aliraja, Omesh Mahadea, and Sabeer Hookoomally, expert trainers at La Fournée des Moulins.

Yoga, taught at Eclosia by Moshin Dowlut, enhances the lives of our colleagues.

Pierre-André Boullé and Gina Casset talk about the Well Being Week, which will take place on June 18, 19, and 20.

At the École Hôtelière Gaëtan Duval, the incredible creativity of Mauritian bakers was unveiled during the first day of La Fête du Pain 2024, 'Les Boulangers à l'Honneur.'

Eclosia has always been committed to the professional development of its employees through continuous training programs that go far beyond mere academic requirements.

The Managing Director of Ninety-Six Hotel Collection shares the secrets of festive planning.

He shares a behind-the-scenes look at Panagora’s efforts to ensure the supply of holiday season products.

Kentucky Town was a great success! But what about the behind-the-scenes of this event marathon?

The new Charles Telfair Education logo was created to celebrate the institution’s 25th anniversary. Adrien Hon Fat, Graphic Designer at Circus!, explains the story behind this new identity.

Some of our colleagues struggle with reading and writing. Our companies, NML and Avipro, are organizing literacy sessions to support them.

Although it is already present on imported products, Eclosia is the first Mauritian producer to apply the Nutri-Score label to its locally made products. Régal was the first to launch it.

Around twenty food enthusiasts had the privilege of immersing themselves in a unique culinary experience at Yuzu restaurant.

This year, we are particularly proud to see the participation of our colleagues Giovanni Victorien and Pascal Prayag in the JIOI.

Explore the world, push the limits, inspire change: that’s what it means to be a National Geographic Explorer.

Focus on Matthieu Lionnet, 21, who says he learned a lot from his internship at Maurilait.

Thinking about the future of the industry means thinking about engaging young people in our professions! Through its Open Days, Maurilait is welcoming more than 100 students over two weeks.

Trained teams gain tools to achieve their goals without neglecting their well-being.

Panagora shone at the Food & Wellness Festival at the SVICC in Pailles at the end of June. Discover how our colleagues connected culinary delight with sustainability.

If we told you that our colleagues gather at the beach on weekends—not for a team-building event or a picnic, but for a Beach Volleyball competition. And what matches they are!

The Panagora family is growing with 21 transport service providers. A successful partnership between the distribution company and the transporters. We can only wish them a great journey together!

A group is not built in a day; it requires the energy and commitment of many. Memwar is a book about these very people.

Bringing together industry professionals, the Food Forum from 2020 to 2023 facilitated exciting discussions on trends and challenges in the sector.

After Port-Louis, around twenty Eclosia employees explored the cultural richness of Mahébourg!

Happiness is meant to be shared! The Repas de l’Amitié is one of Avipro’s traditions. It is a heartfelt moment for our senior neighbors, offering them the opportunity to connect and share.

The bus shelter is a place of passage, waiting, and sometimes daydreaming… Artist Brian Lamoureux recently transformed Moka’s bus shelter into a countryside escape.

When you want to support real change, all stakeholders must be trained!

A birthday is an opportunity to bring together family, loved ones, friends, and even people you’ve never met to celebrate!

The social project "FTL Krwar Dan Twa" provides five young people with a one-year training program in the logistics sector.

Planning for retirement and making the right choices cannot be left to chance. A new support program encourages in-depth reflection.

Communication, leadership, teamwork: student clubs play a key role in developing these skills in young people.

In a difficult context, dialogue is the only way to find solutions together. May was a time for exchange and reflection between LFL and mauritian farmers.

By welcoming independent workers, freelancers, consultants, and people passing through in need of office space, CIRCUS! is creating a new synergy within its premises.

Some of you may have crossed paths with Maya de Salle in the hallways of the companies, wondering who she was and what she was doing with a microphone. We answer all your questions here.

Odysseo: 3 Years of construction – struggles, hopes, and adaptations! – in 1 Minute 30...

Since 2017, Eclosia has supported young Mauritian influencers in the food industry to help them showcase their passions.

From HR assistant to math teacher to billing manager, there’s not just one, but three worlds!

Myriam Blin tells us more about the 16th edition of the LCP, which has been completely redesigned to address the current challenges facing existing or aspiring managers.