Maurilait is, above all, a story of innovation—that of a local dairy industry. Soundly established since 1976, the company offers a wide range of dairy products: yogurt, ice cream, sterilised milk, drinking yogurt… Equipped with a factory, a laboratory and state-of-the-art machinery, it meets high standards of quality, control and security.
Beyond the range of dairy products it develops in-house, like Dahi yogurt and Perette flavoured milk, Maurilait also produces and distributes international brands like Yoplait, Candia and Miko, which were specifically tailored to the local market. Placing innovation and sustainable development at the heart of its philosophy, Maurilait recently diversified its offerings and launched ‘J’, its own brand of fruit nectar.

Employees (Mauritius)

Product references (Mauritius)

Annual production in Mauritius (tonnes)

Regional presence

Maurilait Production Ltée,
Head Office Industrial Zone,
Phoenix, Mauritius
visit website