Driver, accomplished photographer, and sustainability advocate

Since joining New Maurifoods Ltd (NML) as a driver in 2002, Ganessen Ponnusamy has also taken on a parallel role as the company’s official event photographer. His deep passion for photography has led him to participate in numerous competitions and exhibit his work at various artistic events. Without NML’s support, this would not have been possible, and Ganessen expresses his sincere gratitude to the company.
Last February, Ganessen made his mark at the Sustainability International Art Exhibition at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris in Malaysia. One of his exhibited works depicted the distress of a fisherman in Penang Island, struggling to find bait for his catch. The image told the heartbreaking story of his difficulty in making a living. "Photography has the power to give a voice to the silent stories unfolding around us," says Ganessen.
The event, which brought together around thirty exhibitors, provided Ganessen with a valuable learning experience. One of the central themes of the workshops was waste recycling. "It was a unique opportunity to understand the importance of recycling and explore sustainable solutions," he explains.
He also had the chance to meet entrepreneurs dedicated to recycling and the circular economy. He discovered artisans transforming soda cans into artwork, repurposing old clay pots into decorative objects, and innovatively recycling paper.
In 2021, during the lockdown, Ganessen played a crucial role at NML. Since a photographer could not be brought in to capture images of a new product, Ganessen rose to the challenge. His photos contributed to the successful product launch, showcasing his versatility and dedication to his work. "It was a difficult time for everyone, and I’m just happy I could contribute to this project," he says humbly.
Much more than just a driver, much more than just a photographer, Ganessen embodies the diversity of talent within NML. An inspiring example of dedication and creativity.