Talents: Inspiring employees and helping them excel

Oct 28, 2022

In HR terms, what does “Talents” refer to?

Every employee, in any role and at any level within the Eclosia Group, can be defined as a Talent. When someone joins Eclosia, it means we believe they have the skills, competencies, and qualities needed to succeed with us. Throughout their journey, they will demonstrate and develop their leadership abilities and soft skills. Through our Talent Framework, we create the right environment and provide meaningful opportunities to maximize each individual's potential.


What is the vision behind the "Talents" web series that will be shared on LinkedIn?

Showcasing these inspiring career paths is one of our initiatives to bring our Leadership Competencies to life. The question we asked ourselves was, "How can we embody these competencies across the group and make them accessible to everyone?" The first step was to introduce them officially. Next, we redesigned all related documentation—in both French and English—into an engaging format, which will soon be available. Then, in collaboration with Circus, we produced six videos. In these, Talents share their career journeys, the challenges they have overcome, and the key factors that have contributed to their success.


How did you select the employees featured in the first "Talents" videos?

HR Managers from each company, along with their General Managers, identified inspiring career paths that deserved to be highlighted. These are employees who have had exceptional journeys, overcoming obstacles and challenges along the way. They also share the guidance and training they received—support without which they would not have succeeded. Younger employees or those just starting their careers within the Group can find valuable advice in these stories. To complete the picture, each employee's direct manager provides insights into their success factors. For this first video series, we are featuring six employees, including a Malagasy employee and a Mauritian expatriate in Kenya.



Do you think these videos could help generate interest in rare professions?

We hope so, even though that wasn’t the primary objective. Creating a web series specifically about rare professions would be a great idea. For example, a miller—a rare role in Mauritius, where training is done on the job and later refined through specialized programs abroad.

What are the priorities and long-term goals?

For employees, the goal is to embrace and demonstrate the leadership competencies required for their current role while also becoming aware of the skills needed for the next level.
For the company, it is about having Talents who aspire, who have the right competencies, who are engaged, and who are ready to tackle tomorrow’s challenges.


In a fast-moving and complex world, the company must provide the right opportunities for employees to enhance their performance and fulfill their potential.


An individual’s success does not rely solely on technical skills and experience. Mastering leadership competencies is a sine qua non condition for success at Eclosia.